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Decision Tools for Family Poultry Development

by ruchita last modified Apr 24, 2014 05:33 PM

Apr 23, 2014

The Decision Tools address the situation of four distinct family poultry production systems and their development opportunities: small extensive scavenging, extensive scavenging, semi-intensive production and small-scale intensive production. They describe the poultry production systems, including their required inputs and expected outputs and the techniques and tools used to assess the operational environment, in order to design interventions suited to the local conditions. Practical technical information are provided about genetics and reproduction, feeds and feeding, poultry health, housing, marketing and value chain development, microfinance and credit, institutional development, training and extension, and creating an enabling policy. Guidance is then provided on how to utilize this relevant information to design and develop projects targeted at specific conditions.
The Decision Tools are the result of joint efforts of 26 authors and a cooperation between FAO, IFAD, the International Rural Poultry Centre (IRPC) of the Kyeema Foundation and the International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD).

The publication can be downloaded from  -